
Healthy Food for healthy life tips

Healthy  Food  for  healthy  life  tips 

A healthy body and good understanding are two great blessings of God. If this is not there, the life of a man becomes very boring. Someone has rightly said that “true happiness is a healthy body”.

The meaning of health is not only the well-being of the body, but it is also necessary to be well of the mind. The recovery of the mind depends on you. “As you eat food, so will be your mind” and so will be your “body”. It has also been said that health is wealth.

According to the World Health Organization, health is the state of a particular person in which he is mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually well. Health and a healthy person Health is the equal state and balance of Vata-Bile and Kapha in the body.

Health is being healthy and satisfied with mind, intellect, soul, and body, especially not having any physical sorrow or pain. A person needs to improve his daily activities and behavior, conduct, and habits to stay healthy.

Some general health rules

  • Take care of the cleanliness of your neighborhood.
  • Standing, sitting, walking, and running properly.
  • Daily morning walk.
  • Eating fresh and nutritious food at a fixed time.
  • Dress according to the season
  • The practice of breathing through the nose.
  • Sleeping and waking up on time.
  • Laugh out loud at least four times a day.

Any living being needs food to survive. Every creature takes food according to its physical structure.

If we eat less or incomplete food, our body will not get full strength and we will become weak. Therefore, we should eat balanced food.

Features of a balanced diet


Energy-giving substances are in sufficient quantity.

Each person has according to occupation, age, sex, and climate.

A sufficient amount of protein and mineral salts are obtained in it.

It is dominated by protective nutrients,

Vitamins are included in this, which are obtained from milk, fruits, vegetables, etc.


Major components of the diet


(1) Carbohydrates (2) Protons (3) Fats (4) Vitamins (5) Mineral salts (6) Water


It is the main source of energy. It is a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It maintains strength in the body.

If it decreases, then weakness comes and if it increases, obesity increases.

It is of three types

(1) Starch containing

(2) Glucose containing

(3) Fiber containing


Bread, rice, potato, milk, honey, wheat, maize, millet, sweet potato, etc.

Glucose (sugar)

Dates, sugarcane, sugar beet, grapes, milk, and fruits


Found in wheat bread, vegetables, and fruits.


It is very important for physical development. It is very necessary for physical agility, enthusiasm, and strength. It works to make, develop and strengthen the cells of the body.

Carbohydrate gives energy to the body. So it should be taken in the morning so that we keep working for the whole day.

Proton regenerates dead cells, so it should be taken in the evening so that whatever cells become dead after working throughout the day, can be regenerated.

On the basis of resources, proteins are of two types

(1) Animal protein,

(2) Vegetable protein

 Animal proteins

It is obtained from animals and animals like milk, curd, and eggs, meat-fish, etc.

Vegetable protein

Moong, lentils, soybeans, beans, peas, urad, green vegetables, wheat, barley, gram, millet, maize,
Dry fruits, peanuts, etc.


It is a mixture of fatty acid and glycerin. Fat is the most powerful source of energy. It provides twice the energy to the body as compared to carbohydrates and proteins.

It is very necessary for those who do a lot of physical labor, but those who do not do much physical labor should not take too much fat, otherwise it causes obesity.

Means and sources

Generally fat is obtained in two ways-

(1) Animal

(2) Vegetable

Animal fat

Animal fat is obtained from animals in the form of egg yolk, fish oil, ghee, milk, cream, butter, etc.

Vegetable fat

Mustard, coconut, groundnut, sesame oil, etc. are also obtained in the form of dry fruits like almonds, cashews, etc.

Types of vitamins

It is a very essential substance for our life. Many types of diseases arise due to their deficiency. It makes our body operate various organs and their functioning properly and keeps them healthy. Following are the types of vitamins

Vitamin A

It is fat-soluble, keeps our eyes healthy, and makes our skin beautiful. Especially found in fruits, milk, other milk products, yellow fruits, green vegetables, etc.

Vitamin B

It is soluble in water. It is also called by the name Thiamine. It keeps our digestive system fine.

Its deficiency causes diseases like beriberi, mouth ulcer, and swelling of feet. Vitamin B is available in many forms like-

B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B12, etc. It is found in all grains, meat, eggs, peas, beans, soybeans, carrots, cabbage, garlic, milk, tomatoes, apples, etc.

Vitamin C’

It is a white granular substance soluble in water. it is odorless
And it gets destroyed on boiling. It cannot be stored in the body.

It is useful for the fibers that work in the joints. Purifies the blood by producing red blood cells.

Sufficient use of this does not cause diseases like tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Due to its deficiency, pyorrhea in the teeth causes a disease called scurvy in the gums.

It is found in plenty in Amla, Orange, Lemon, Guava, Grapes, Tomato, Sweet lime, Pineapple, Malta, Green Chilli, Bitter Gourd, Papaya, Pomegranate, Egg, Milk, Cashew, etc.

Vitamin D

It is a fat-soluble white-colored starchy and odorless vitamin. It can be stored in the body.

It makes bones and teeth strong. Prevents rickets in children.

Helps in the growth of the body, and protects young children from infectious diseases. It gets maximum from sunlight.

Its specialty is to increase the amount of calcium. People who work in the sun. Its quantity is more in them.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is fat-soluble. It keeps our genitals healthy. It is essential for women and girls.

It is especially found in wheat, mustard, coriander, green vegetables, milk, eggs, cottonseed, fish oil, etc.

Vitamin K

It is also a fat-soluble vitamin. It stops the bleeding of blood when there is a wound.

Due to the presence of an element called fibrinogen in it, it is helpful in clotting blood, especially beneficial for pregnant women.

It is especially found in grass and green leaves etc.

Vitamin ‘U’

It keeps the membranes of our intestines healthy. If someone has an ulcer, Vitamin ‘U’ heals it quickly.

It is found in leaves (especially in cabbage).

Mineral salts

It is especially important and necessary for physical development. Human body
Requires the following mineral salts.


It strengthens bones and teeth. It improves the complexion of the body. Helps in making hair thick and strong.

It is found in green vegetables, milk, curd, buttermilk, etc.


It is found in cells and blood. Its main function is to build body fibers. This muscle does the contraction of the muscles, the heartbeat, and the sensing power of the nerves.

It maintains the balance of acid and alkali in the body.


It accounts for 25% of the total amount of all mineral salts available in the body.

80% of the body’s phosphorus is found in bones and 20% in soft tissues.


Iodine is a useful mineral salt that maintains the functioning of the body.

Its main function is to make the activity of thyroid glands. Due to its deficiency, the canteen in children and adults
People get a disease called Myxodiga.


This mineral salt is the main component of hemoglobin present in the blood. Some amount of it is also present in bone, marrow, liver, kidney, and muscles. Its deficiency causes anemia.

Sodium chloride

This is called common salt. It is found in the form of sodium in all body fluids.

Some amount of sodium is also found in the bones. Its use makes food tastier It is made Excess of sodium causes swelling in the body.


Sulfur is a part of the protein itself. If the amount of protein in the food is sufficient, then its requirement is automatically fulfilled.

Its deficiency stops the growth of hair and nails.


It is found in bones, teeth, cells, and blood. It activates calcium and phosphorus.

Due to its deficiency, neurological diseases and symptoms of tons begin to appear.


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