
Why breakfast is so important

Why breakfast is so important

Many people ignore breakfast, but in fact, breakfast is the first meal, which gives energy for the whole routine.

breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, as it breaks the overnight fasting period, gives a kick start to the metabolism, and helps in strengthening the digestive system.

If breakfast is taken in the form of a balanced and healthy diet, then it increases energy throughout the day, reduces fatigue, and keeps the mind fresh.

Studies show that a balanced breakfast is linked to good health, which when eaten at the right time can lead to increased concentration, better memory, and less stress.

Lower cholesterol levels, lower risk of diabetes and heart disease, and less chance of weight gain.

taken at the right time, there may be a risk of increasing problems like muscle strain and brain imbalance.

Also, the chances of overeating throughout the day also increase, which can lead to several gastric problems like acidity, bloating, nausea, and indigestion.

According to body science i.e. physiology, having breakfast at the right time can save the body from many types of metabolic diseases. Breakfast must be done within 2 or 3 hours of getting up in the morning.

In a balanced breakfast, all the essential nutrients are present according to our daily routine. Nutrients ie Carbohydrates, Proteins, Good Fats, Vitamins, Minerals Fiber, etc.

Carbohydrates give us instant energy, whereas proteins and fats give us energy after some time. Fiber makes the stomach feel full.



It is a healthy breakfast food made from whole grains. Due to the high amount of protein, fiber, complex carbs, and other minerals, it provides all the nutrients to the body and also controls blood glucose.

Strengthens the immune system by supporting the good bacteria found in the intestines.

Oats meal

Oats meal
Oats meal


Oats meal is a healthy breakfast food due to its rich content of dietary fiber, minerals, and trace elements such as iron, zinc, and plant proteins.

Oats meal made with milk compensates for the extra protein. Mixing fresh fruits with it can make up for the deficiency of anti-oxidants and vitamins. It is included as a heart-healthy, gut-healthy, and anti-diabetic food.

Gram or moong dal

Being a combination of iron, protein, complex carbs, and fiber, this diet helps in reducing anemia. It is a balanced breakfast dish when consumed with green vegetables, which acts as a panacea for bone and heart health.



It is a good source of protein and calcium along with probiotics. It can be made into a healthy smoothie with nuts, seeds (chia seeds), and fresh fruits. Being rich in each and every nutrient, it helps in boosting up gut health.



It is considered to be low in calories and a good source of iron. A good breakfast can be prepared by mixing some nuts like peanuts and some vegetables.

Thus, if breakfast is started at the right time and in the form of a balanced diet, then you feel energetic and full of freshness throughout the routine.

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